Contact Us

We invite you to contact us for more information.

1-888-76-FORUM (763-6786)


Write us at
Forum Music Festivals
P.O. Box 3662
Fullerton , CA. 92834-3662


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Experience an upbeat, positive performing experience! Forum Festivals provide the best performing venues with outstanding judges PLUS a fun-filled adventure at California’s favorite theme parks. And all at a great value! Past participants tell us…

“We love going to Forum.  It gives us a focus to our rehearsing, and I always learn new things from the comments.  Forum has been a great recruiting and retention tool for me as an extrinsic motivation.”

“It is really good for my students to hear other groups at the top of their game and they come home excited about music.” 

“Nicest venue we have played in!  Awards ceremony was awesome!  The students were very excited and the ceremony did a great job of honoring all ensembles.  I loved the emcee, how he communicated with the students, directors, and audience.”

“Judging was very constructive and positive!”