Author: khallum

  • Preparing for the Holiday Concerts: Don’t Forget to Cover Stage Etiquette

    It’s that special time of year – excitement is definitely in the air!  You’re preparing your students for their holiday concert which is bound to bring a lot of angst to you and to them.  “I’ve only had them at school for a few short months.  What will we get when they file out on…

  • Happy Thanksgiving Sale!

    This holiday season, we’re thankful for loyal customers like you!   In celebration of Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, we are offering a fabulous discount on one-day or overnight packages for select  San Diego area festivals. Join us for an all-in-one-day package with a San Diego festival plus a trip to the world-famous San…

  • Earth Without Art is Just “Eh”

    Published originally by the National Association for Music Education, written by Paul Fox We’re coming up to Thanksgiving… and school music and art teachers do have a lot for which to be thankful! In spite of all of the pressures involving student recruitment/retention and declining enrollments, equity/access to the arts, scheduling, budget, etc., we are…

  • Special Savings in April at San Diego Festival

    Discover sunny San Diego with your students at a deeply discounted festival rate!   Join us on Saturday, April 6, 2019 for an epic event that includes: Adjudicated Forum Music Festival USS Midway Museum self-guided tour Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix film accompanied LIVE by the San Diego Symphony One-night’s lodging at…

  • New Bus Policy

    Safety is a top priority for Forum Music Festivals. We work hard to ensure all of our clients are safe and sound throughout the duration of their travel with us – whether a one-day or overnight trip. Our goal is to provide the most comfortable and enjoyable experience for your students. Staying current with the…

  • The Nuts and Bolts of Fundraising

    Fundraising – not exactly the reason you entered music education, is it?  However, if you plan to travel with your students, it’s time to face the fact that fundraising is part of your program. Couple of tips about raising funds for student travel: How much will it cost?  Include the base price of the trip,…

  • Introducing Your Trip Assistant

    When you take a group on an overnight excursion, you are responsible for keeping track of EVERYTHING!  A tour escort can solve that task by making sure that you are where you need to be on time and with whatever you need.  At Forum, we can arrange for a Tour Escort for you – meet…

  • Problem-Solving – Our Specialty

    If customer service is important to a company, the question to ask is: What problems are we trying to solve for our customers? To answer that question, student event producers have to walk in the shoes of band, orchestra, and choir directors.  At Forum Festivals, here’s what we’re seeing. Financial – Yep, no question about…

  • Let Us Create Your Custom 2019 Package

    Thank you to everyone who joined us in 2018 for another great season of making music! We are accepting registrations for 2019 already and we’d love to put together a custom proposal for you and your students. May we suggest a new itinerary for 2019? We offer festivals in the Anaheim area, San Diego, North…

  • The Five “C’s” of Student Travel

    You’re thinking about including travel in your curriculum this year.  Good for you.  It’s a big step, but very worthwhile in your students’ educational journey.  As you start exploring this idea, consider the five “c’s” of student travel. Consider: This is what you are already doing – thinking it over to see how it will…

  • The Benefits of Booking Early

    At this time of year, travel planners are probably encouraging you to book your 2019 student trip now.  Take note – booking before the end of the school year definitely has benefits for your trip. With early planning… Your current and potential students get a glimmer of what’s ahead! Excitement builds and recruits students! More…

  • Ten Things You Should Never Say to Your Music Teacher

    There’s been a volley of comments on the NAfME Music Educator Central Q&A’s.  If you haven’t already joined this community, you might consider checking it out.  It’s a great resource for music teachers to share ideas and solve problems.  Go to, and then click on Amplify to join the all-member community.  I’m sure many…

  • The Fine Art of Chaperoning

    Selecting chaperones is serious business. The right chaperones support you and your students in terms of safety, appropriate behavior, and promoting the goals of the trip. The wrong chaperones assume this is an adult getaway, undermine the trip’s objectives, and are late, rude, and pretty much useless. Let’s vote for the first group of chaperones.…

  • Story of Our Beginning

    I was recently listening to a podcast about a well known clothing company which included the story of their beginning and the development of not only their product, but also their philosophy about the footprint that the founder wished to leave on the world. It made me pause to think about Forum Festivals’ early development.…

  • At this joyous time of the year…

    At this joyous time of the year, we are reflecting on the opportunity we’ve had to work with music educators and students.  It’s an honor and an inspiration to work with you and others who make dreams come true for students of all ages, abilities, and circumstances.  The staff at Forum Music Festivals wishes you…

  • Free or Nearly Free

    Filling open time with your student group is easy to do, but staying within the budget can present a challenge.  Take heart!  FREE activities can be included in your itinerary that both interest your students AND keep you within budget.  Here’s a list of the top 8… feel free to add your own. Volunteer to…

  • Great Cities to Explore with Students (Series #4) – San Diego

    Let’s face it – It’s hard to argue that San Diego doesn’t have one of the country’s great climates.    Attractions and activities for students, both indoor and outdoor, are endless and diverse. It’s just simply an awesome destination for student groups. The Beaches – Ranked among the top in the nation, San Diego offers 17…

  • Adjudicators and Adjudication

    We’re really proud of the guest music educators that adjudicate your groups each year.  Because Forum Festivals was founded by music educators, the individuals who “judge” your ensembles are very important to us and should be important to you and your students. Adjudicators are selected based on several key criteria: Experience – Members of our…

  • Do I Need a Travel Planner?

    Well, the obvious answer is YES!  Sure, you can book a bus and book a hotel.  And you can think of things for your students to do, to eat, to learn.  But don’t discount what a travel planner has to offer your group:  on-the-ground experience, safety concerns, and financial security. Do what you do best:…

  • Great Cities to Explore with Students (Series #3) – Outside and Beyond San Francisco Bay Area

    Head one hour north, south, or east of the City by the Bay, and you’ll find destinations with fascinating student attractions.  San Jose, Santa Cruz, and Santa Clara, home to Silicon Valley attractions, are easily reachable south of San Francisco.  Heading north to Sonoma County, you’ll find Santa Rosa, Muir Valley, and beyond where student…