Consider using a tour operator.
Your expertise is teaching. A travel planner’s expertise is to know the nuts and bolts of millions of elements that make a trip run smoothly. Many directors or booster clubs think they can do it themselves on the cheap. A travel planner earns bulk discounts with hotels, restaurants, and attractions by regular business. Our connections save you money. Collaborating with a tour operator also provides you with a sounding board about ideas, problems, and questions as they come up.
Set your goal for the trip.
Solidifying your focus makes many decisions easier for you. Communicating that goal will help generate excitement to your students which is at the core of keeping attrition down, fundraising up, and the momentum going straight ahead. This doesn’t mean that you can’t mix in fun along with the learning but having a clear mind about your plan makes the trip much simpler.
Establish rules early and often.
Having students and families sign a “behavior contract” notifies everyone about what is expected during the trip. Choosing great chaperones is another way to keep behavior on track. Prepare your travelers by establishing your policy on cell phones, boys & girls at the hotel, and theatre etiquette.
Put on a happy face!
Your high spirits during the trip will boost your students through fatigue, homesickness, and other factors that contribute to lethargy. As you and your travel planner are planning the trip, be mindful of keeping your students engaged, but not allowing too much or too little on the itinerary.
Flexibility is key.
Things happen. Prepare your students for schedule changes, back-up plans, and a few tiresome travel companions here and then. What a great lesson you are offering your students outside of their music studies! Flexibility is a great life asset and traveling together is an awesome way to practice it.